September 1, 2020 Valued Current & Potential Patients, We are having some communication issues due to phone outages that we are actively work with our provider to resolve. If you need to reach one of our staff members, please e-mail us via or via your web portal access. The contact form on our website […]
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Boulder County Foot & Ankle is OPEN!
I am writing to inform you that with the recent information from the Governer, the CDC and Boulder County Health, the decision has been made to keep our clinic open with specific operational changes. The health and safety of our staff and patients is priority one so we are following all recommendations from the CDC […]
Common Sports Related Injuries – Morton’s Neuroma
Morton’s neuroma is a painful condition in the ball of your foot most commonly in area between third and fourth toes. It tends to feel like you have a rock in your shoe when standing. This condition involves the thickening of the tissue around one of the nerves leading to your toes. Common symptoms are: […]
Common Sports Related Injuries – Stress Fractures
Stress fractures are tiny cracks in your bone. They are typically caused from repetitive force or overuse. These fractures are most common in weight-bearing bones in the lower leg and foot. Common symptoms are tenderness in a specific spot in the foot that decreases with rest. This area may […]

Common Sports Related Injuries – Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. This is the inflammation of the thick band that runs along the bottom of the foot that connects your heel to your toes. Many patients with this injury report stabbing pain when they take their first steps in the morning. This pain normally […]

Common Sports Related Injuries – Achilles Tendinitis
Achilles Tendinitis is an overuse injury of the Achilles tendon. This tendon is the band of tissue that connects calf muscles at the back of the lower leg to your heel bone. This is most common in runners that increase their distance or intensity but can also occur in basketball and tennis players. Their symptoms […]

Sever’s Disease and how to determine if this is what is causing your child’s pain
Sever’s Disease is a common condition in early teenagers due to the blood supply to the growing plate is not keeping up with the demands of growing. The pain that occurs is a deep ache or soreness to the corner of the heel and tends to be aggravated with running activities and this pain can […]

Ingrown Toenail Causes and Treatments
Ingrown toenails often are the result of trimming your toenails too short, particularly on the sides of your big toes. While they are very common, ingrown toenails can also be very painful. Ingrown toenails start out hard, swollen and tender, and later, may become sore, red and infected. Your skin may start to grow over […]

Surgical Options for treating your foot and/or ankle problem
If we determine together that conservative foot and ankle treatments like icing, stretch, anti-inflammatories, PT/Rehab and custom molded orthotics will not solve your foot and/or ankle problem, I will use my years of experience to help you select the surgery option that is best for your situation. Depending on the procedure necessary for your issue, […]

Common Injury for an Athlete – Ankle Sprain
Ankle sprains are a common injury for athletes. These injuries can limited the training an athlete can do. Prompt evaluation and treatment by a foot and ankle surgeon is important. Sometimes that “sprain” is actually an ankle fracture and treatment for these two conditions are very different. An ankle that has not been properly healed […]